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10 Top Tips: How To Take The Depressing Out Of Dating


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Hands up any singletons sick of smug Facebook posts?

Others’ happiness is all well and good, it can even be inspiring, but it can also make you feel, well, a bit crap if it’s rammed down your throat like a duck at the hands of a foie gras fiend.

Love comes to us all in mysterious ways, at different times, but the ride isn’t always: “Jolly hockey sticks, dating is super! Golly, how fun! I wish I was still dating!”

Because while the Tinder Age is wondrous, opening all sorts of possibilities, it also comes with a few bumps and really should come with a manual.

In lieu of this, read on below for the #Top #Tips I’ve learnt.

#navigation #guide

1. Treat Dating Like Primark.

You’ve got to scour through a lot of sh*t to find a gem. Enjoy the day for what it is and don’t be disheartened by disappointing quality. Varied experiences will only make you appreciate a treasure when you find it.

2. Don’t Tar Every Product With The Same Brush.

Top quality totty is a whole kinda different to a high street brand. Sometimes you have to see it to believe it but you’ll know when you do. It will make you feel a million dollars.

3. Avoid Bad Eggs.

A good egg will make you feel great. No need for rationalising the irrational when he or she is around. A bad egg can teach you many positives but best to go for return on investment given the choice. If you find yourself over-analysing in an out of character kinda way, cut the cord.

4. Accept Things For What They Are.

Everyone comes into your life for a reason. No matter how painful or pointless an experience might seem, if someone turned out to be a douchbag, maybe they came into your life to teach you something you needed to learn. Just do yourself a favour and learn it the first time around!

5. What Will Be Will Be.

If it’s right, it’ll work out. True love conquers all, even if there are a few bumps in the road.

6. The Universe Has A Grand Plan For All Of Us.

Be patient and wait for things to come to you. The more you focus on doing what makes you happy, the sooner magic will happen.

7. Know Your Worth.

Don’t waste tears (or years) on people who don’t value you. Surround yourself with positive people and attribute value to those who make you feel good. Be careful staying with someone whose idea of normal is everyone else’s idea of wonky. They might cause damage you’re best to avoid. So take the focus off pleasing them and zoom in on your well-being and how you’d like to feel.

8. Be Vulnerable.

With courage comes vulnerability and if someone is right you’ll soon feel safe. Outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens.

9. Like Attracts Like.

If you truly want something, the law of attraction will ensure that it comes your way. Have faith and ask for what you want. Just be prepared to get it.

10. Trust Your Gut.

It rarely lies.


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Clarity. Confidence. Possibility. Love. Creativity. Focus. Calm.

I’m Melanie Pritchard, recovering lawyer turned life coach, NLP practitioner and truth-teller with a passion for helping people be, do and have anything they want in life.

I feel blessed to help courage-fuelled go-getters design their lives in a way that brings them true happiness and I’m so excited to be with you on your path to success.

Let’s get to know each other a bit better.


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