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3 Ways to Sex-Up A Cover Letter!

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“Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and I’m yours forever” – MD Waters

Can you guess the link between dating and careers?

I see average cover letters again and again. Just like attracting a crème de la crème mate, we need to up our game massively to attract top employers, stand out from the crowd and secure the top jobs.

This means hardcore seduction.

I’m talking KC level, evidence based seduction that wins High Court cases.

There should be nothing average about it.

If it’s not breath-taking, don’t send it.

It you know it’s not a 10 out of 10, keep drafting.

If you don’t know how, drop me a line.

Corporate seduction is my superpower!

Like anything in life, it’s easy when you have the magic formula.

To find out how I can help you uplevel your life or career, book a free discovery call here

Still unsure? Here’s what a recent client, Tina LePomme said: ‘‘I worked with Mel in 2022. She helped me redefine my career, think about my key priorities and supported me throughout the entire process all the way until I found the dream job. She is absolutely amazing, she’s incredibly resourceful, will go above and beyond to support you in any way she can and is very professional. I cannot recommend her enough”

mel blog

Clarity. Confidence. Possibility. Love. Creativity. Focus. Calm.

I’m Melanie Pritchard, recovering lawyer turned life coach, NLP practitioner and truth-teller with a passion for helping people be, do and have anything they want in life.

I feel blessed to help courage-fuelled go-getters design their lives in a way that brings them true happiness and I’m so excited to be with you on your path to success.

Let’s get to know each other a bit better.


Work with me

You’ve felt the pull. You’re ready. To get clear on who you are, what you want and how you get there. And to do so together – in a way that feels like you. To find out more about coaching and how I can help you achieve your dreams, scroll over here

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