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Suicidal To Bridal: A Single Girl’s Guide From Tragic To Magic

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Happy Sunday, dear Gazers ♢
For those of you have have ever wondered:
Will I ever meet my soul mate?
♡ Are fairytales the stuff of fantasy?
♡ Why haven’t I met Prince Charming yet?

Here is a magic little story of hope about a girl who looks just like me.

She always got a fair bit of attention from the boys – but none quite mature enough – or extraordinary enough – to hold her tight – for richer for poorer – till death do us part.

And after what felt like an age going for men who looked (or acted) like 10 year old skateboarders (sometimes with eyeliner and leather waistcoats), she – finally – struck – gold – when a distant friend connected her with some guy called OJ. She said she’d like him because he was well-spoken and wore Chelsea boots.

Turned out she liked him for reasons which ran a little deeper in the end!

His Roman nose for one.

And his ability to put up with her random acts of eccentricity – smearing humous in his face on date two – date TWO.

While some of the other boys had tugged on her heartstrings – in all the wrong ways – OJ’s first thought on date 2 was, “What would a girl like this see in a guy like me?” Irony of ironies.

As their short wedding video below shows, she found her Prince Charming – in the boy with the round eyes and the Roman nose.

She found her fairytale – despite, no doubt, wondering at times whether it would ever materialise.

So I beseech you today, dear Gazers – especially for those of you who may find it hard to keep believing from time to time:

1. You are worth the wait;
2. The wait will be worth it; and
3. You will be everything and more to your extraordinary other half – who is also waiting patiently for you.

Warts and all.

So never stop believing in yourself and your love story.

Let the transiences of transient hearts wash over you while you keep visualising your happy ending – stronger and stronger – brighter and brighter – exactly – as – you – see – it.

Your own unbelievable love story – the real-life fairytale – the full – dreamy – shabbang.

Because if you can believe it – you will receive it. It’s the law of attraction, after all. All you have to do is work out what you really want and busy yourself doing what makes you happy in the mean time.

And if you’re in a dip right now and are struggling to pull yourself out – this short wedding vid should help ♡

mel blog

Clarity. Confidence. Possibility. Love. Creativity. Focus. Calm.

I’m Melanie Pritchard, recovering lawyer turned life coach, NLP practitioner and truth-teller with a passion for helping people be, do and have anything they want in life.

I feel blessed to help courage-fuelled go-getters design their lives in a way that brings them true happiness and I’m so excited to be with you on your path to success.

Let’s get to know each other a bit better.


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