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The Secret To Goal Setting Like A Millionaire

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We’re trained to think of New Year and birthdays as milestones – measures of how far we’ve come and how far we haven’t – and how far we may or may not have to go. Black or white – wow or ouch – you got it – they can feel real abrasive and just plain


But they don’t have to – and here’s why.

Age is but a number and dates are mere rolling stones of time which are constantly ticking along every second of every day. New Year is no different.

It is, however, a powerful and positive time for reflection.

So reflect on this, wee one.

You, yes you, have a heck of a lot more power to control your destiny than you realise – and to change your future.

And ‘milestones’ like year ends can be truly wonderful yardsticks for setting and committing to your future goals in a big and brilliant way.

Sound boring? Au contraire.. More like the best 10 minute investment you could make in your future, reducing anxiety and increasing certainty ten fold.

Especially With The Help Of These

**3 Powerful Secrets To High-Flying Goal Setting**

1) The most successful people are goal-orientated. You got it – the Richard Bransons, Steve Jobs’, Venus Williams’ and Oprah Winfreys of the world. You wanna be more successful? In whatever sense whether money, love or career? Get setting goals!

2) What’s the difference between setting a goal and acting on it? Like actually going on the run you plan to go on but never do? Write – it – down. Simples, right? Jot down a positive statement starting with ‘I want’ and include a specific start and end time. Try it – it works!

3) And the best magic trick of all to kick-start your motivational levels? The Rocking Chair Test.

Imagine your life 5 years down the line if you DON’T fulfil your dream (and by dream I mean one you really WANT, not one you think you SHOULD pursue). How bad will you feel? And how will that negatively affect other important areas of your life?

Now imagine how good you’ll feel if your greatest wish comes true? How different does your life feel? How sweet are the sounds, the sights and the resources around you? Breathe that in.

And if you’re still in doubt as to why bother setting goals?

Without goals you are likely to DRIFT and when you drift, you are not in control. You have relinquished your basic right to shape your future. In doing this, you also surrender your freedom of action which restricts your choices and can lead to frustration, anxiety, fear and stress. Who wants those mood-killers eating away at them?

Why Bother?

So y’see, sitting down for ten minutes this New Years Eve for a dig-deep into your soul session is a one way route to success boomeranging backatcha!

Just one word of warning – when you set an intention and really want it – just be prepared to get it!

mel blog

Clarity. Confidence. Possibility. Love. Creativity. Focus. Calm.

I’m Melanie Pritchard, recovering lawyer turned life coach, NLP practitioner and truth-teller with a passion for helping people be, do and have anything they want in life.

I feel blessed to help courage-fuelled go-getters design their lives in a way that brings them true happiness and I’m so excited to be with you on your path to success.

Let’s get to know each other a bit better.


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You’ve felt the pull. You’re ready. To get clear on who you are, what you want and how you get there. And to do so together – in a way that feels like you. To find out more about coaching and how I can help you achieve your dreams, scroll over here

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