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The Simple Way To Move From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be

Authenticity Sheri Fink Quote 2

“Come forth into the light of things,
Let nature be your teacher”

William Wordsworth

Where do you feel most at home? And how can you be sure you really know? How much of an explorer are you – whether geographically, socially or otherwise?

How often do you talk to people from different worlds or even objective third parties – whether counsellors, coaches or wise old sages – about you – your life – and what you really want but have never given yourself the time – or permission to explore?

How often do you listen to that quiet voice inside and dare to hear what your shadow self is whispering?

How Do You Know If You’re Where You’re Meant To Be?

If you’d have asked me where I saw myself 5 years ago, I probably would’ve seen myself climbing the corporate ladder as a family lawyer and I can safely say I wouldn’t have even thought of moving abroad.

And while family law seemed to tick many boxes, I now see why it niggled – even before I started down that path – because it neglected those deeper parts of my soul which need feeding – like work-life balance, creative expression and the freedom to work wherever and with whoever I choose.

I now know that that freedom lies at the heart of who I am – even the struggles and fears that run alongside exploring the world – whether geographically, socially or otherwise.

And if you’re not yet sure what you want out of life, ask yourself how you want to feel on your deathbed looking back at your life.

When I ask myself this question, I see myself as a wrinkly old lady having lived in various countries, speaking various languages, having mixed with people at all levels of society and having inspired people to find their true paths in life.

How Do You Know If You’re Living Your Life In Accordance With Your Values?

What brings you awakening, wee one? When do you feel truly alive, excited and right where you’re meant to be? If you’re not sure, ask yourself when you feel truly frustrated and turn this on its head.

For me, that moment of clarity came after I realised that having time for fun was quite simply – top – of – my – list. You got it – FUN. An unashamed, liberating – but clear – as – mud – truth!

How did I know this was so important to me? Because every time I felt angry, tearful and worried – whether sitting at my desk late at night at work missing another dinner party with friends – or ending up fighting tears in the work car park on a Saturday – it was because I felt I was missing out on having fun. And turns out that mattered. A LOT!

How Can You Implement Your Truth?

How can you change your life when you’ve realised what lights you up? How can you implement your new reality?

Simple – baby steps – and logic.

For me, this was quite simply writing a list of the things I loved and wanted to do after leaving law – not necessarily with any longterm certainty – but starting point activities that made me feel good.

Here are some of the things that featured:

\\ Writing
\\ Learning Spanish
\\ Becoming fluent in French
\\ Doing a life coaching course
\\ Going to New York – skiing – and possibly Europe

And what a journey that list has taken me on.

My brief spell doing a Spanish course in Madrid truly awakened my creative energy – and in that calm, free space it was clear writing had to feature in my life – as I’d wanted it to, deep down, from the very beginning.

Taking the next step and moving to Madrid and Chamonix awakened my senses further – to sounds, smells, tastes, landscapes and paths I now can’t believed I’d never truly tasted. The friends I made from across the globe – Americans, Canadians, French, Spaniards, Swedes, Brazilians, Australians and beyond – opened my eyes to new worlds and free-thinking spaces which freed me to hear my instincts – loud and clear.

Picture one at the top of this page is where my heart lies now – far from the cityscapes I thought fed my soul. Near nature, near trees and near the landscapes I had such a connection to in the books I studied at school.

I can now see that maybe there was a reason why teachers commented on the way I wrote about nature. A reason why I was drawn to the lakes of Geneva in Frankenstein and the powerful effect nature had in soothing his overarching ambition and bringing him balance.

Maybe there was a reason why The Crucible moved me so powerfully as a young girl – before I knew who I really was. I’ll never forget the surge of admiration I felt at John Proctor’s defiant refusal to submit to societal pressure at the end of his life – to be anyone but his authentic, flawed and real self.

What Do Less Authentic Choices Teach You?

I now see that living your life in accordance with your true values is the greatest gift of all – and my greatest wish for my coachees and friends.

Being true to yourself and having the courage to live the life you want, even if it creates ripples – is the difference between fulfilment and disillusionment – between living and existing.

So I ask you today, wee one. Where do you feel most at home – most at peace – most alive – most joyful?

Forget what others think, forget the ‘shoulds’, let go of the ego and listen to that voice inside, no matter how quiet and tucked away.

And even if you don’t know where, with whom, or how you want to live your life – yet – take this first step.

Make A List – Write It Down – Manifest Your Truth

Make that little list of what you love doing and what you want in your life – and follow the most comfortable thing on there first.

Don’t look too far ahead. Just implement the first step.

The rest will take care of itself, I promise.

How Can You Apply This In Your Daily Life?

Once you’ve dared to put your authenticity out there – you’ve made the crucial first step. And from there the universe will guide you where you are meant to go – one – step – at – a – time.

The key is being authentic – putting the real you out there – that’s what lies at the root of the magic.

So do what scares you, do what you’re not meant to, forget the shoulds and indulge the wants – only then will you really awaken your soul. And that, wee Gazer, is where joy and peace align – and where happiness takes root.

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Clarity. Confidence. Possibility. Love. Creativity. Focus. Calm.

I’m Melanie Pritchard, recovering lawyer turned life coach, NLP practitioner and truth-teller with a passion for helping people be, do and have anything they want in life.

I feel blessed to help courage-fuelled go-getters design their lives in a way that brings them true happiness and I’m so excited to be with you on your path to success.

Let’s get to know each other a bit better.


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You’ve felt the pull. You’re ready. To get clear on who you are, what you want and how you get there. And to do so together – in a way that feels like you. To find out more about coaching and how I can help you achieve your dreams, scroll over here

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